Great White Bison SEO Search Engine Optimization Header

search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the science of helping search engines understand the content on your website so they can categorize and rank it accordingly. Your website’s rank is what allows you to show up in search results; the higher your rank, the higher your website appears in search results. 

However, SEO is not as simple as installing a plugin or doing a one-time optimization on your site. To ensure that no one takes advantage of the ranking system, Google updates and refines their ranking algorithms on a weekly basis and every few months releases what they call a core update. This is a significant adjustment to their ranking system as a whole and can often send entire industries into disarray with the changes they bring. 

As a result, in order to do SEO correctly, you need to constantly stay up-to-date with the algorithm changes that affect your specific industry and adopt the most recent best practices that come about as a result of those updates.  You also need to ensure that your website’s content stays fresh and up-to-date, and is constantly being monitored for any content gaps within your industry (content that your competitors have and are ranking for but you aren’t).


Great White Bison SEO Search Engine Optimization

At Great White Bison, our goal is to make sure that you never have to worry about any of this. We constantly have our finger on the pulse of what is happening in the SEO world, can keep you apprised of any updates that have recently happened or are coming down the line, and provide peace of mind that your website is taken care of.  Our systems constantly monitor for any fluctuations or changes so that we can diagnose where they’re coming from and address the underlying issue to stave off drops in traffic before the dip becomes a freefall. 

It’s also important to note that SEO is not a quick way to increase your website traffic overnight.  It takes weeks for Google to index your site and assign rankings accordingly.  Typically it takes 3-6 months after starting search engine optimization for significant improvements in traffic to appear.  


Custom Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

  • Headlines and supplementary paragraphs of text that appear in Google search results for each page of your website.  This helps users and search crawlers to understand the page and what they can expect when they click on it.

Keyword Research and On-Page Optimization

  • Identifying keywords your target audience is using on search engines to find businesses like yours, as well as what keywords would be beneficial for you to rank for that you currently are not.  Your existing websages and images will then be optimized for these keywords.

Content Optimization and Competing Content Elimination

  • Content optimization is performed ensuring that each page of your site is optimized for the keyword you want to rank for. Each page needs to have a specific purpose and a specific keyword. If you have more than one page trying to rank for the same keyword, you end up competing against yourself rather than your competitors.

Competitor Research

  • We evaluate your main competitors in the area and what keywords they are ranking for to ensure you’re also competing for the same keywords, if they are valuable and relevant to your business.  This helps us identify content gaps in your existing website.  

301 Redirects and 404 Fixes

  • Ensures that no 404 errors are present on the website by putting redirects in place when URLs change.

Image Alt Optimizations

  • Descriptive text attached to each photo that is read by search crawlers to help them better understand the content. Crawlers have no way of viewing images, so ALT text helps to better inform the crawlers what the photo is about in the context of your page.

Site Speed Optimization

  • Ensuring that your website is optimized for page load times, image caching, JS and CSS minification, and other things that help your website run smoothly and quickly.

Google Business Profile

  • Ensuring that your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) profile is up to date and accurately reflects your business to your area.  Routine business posts help your profile remain active and in front of your target audience. 

If you’re looking to get your website in front of more people and increase traffic that will result in more customers walking through your door, search engine optimization is a great place to start.  If you’d like to learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow, drop us a line; we’d love to speak with you.

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